The Importance of Heartworm Prevention

If you own a dog, you have likely heard of heartworm disease. This infectious disease can be fatal, and unfortunately, dogs serve as the ideal host for the parasitic worms that cause it. Luckily, your veterinarian can help you learn about heartworm prevention, heartworm medications, and other steps you can take to protect your dog’s health.
What Is Heartworm Disease?
To put it simply, heartworm disease is a disease that occurs when heartworms infect an animal, commonly a dog. Heartworms are parasitic worms that are formally known as Dirofilaria immitis. This disease can be spread through mosquito bites, since mosquitoes serve as intermediate hosts for heartworms. That means heartworms only live inside of mosquitoes for a brief period of time until they find a more suitable host to serve as their definitive host, which is where they will live as they produce and age. There can be hundreds of heartworms living in an infected dog, where they can severely damage the heart, arteries, lungs, and more.
How Does Heartworm Disease Affect Dogs?
As mentioned above, dogs serve as the perfect definitive host for heartworms, which is why heartworm prevention should be a priority for all dog owners. Heartworm disease typically starts when an infected mosquito bites a dog, and spreads the infection. Heartworms are able to mature, produce, and spread their offspring while they are in the dog’s bloodstream. These parasitic worms can cause numerous health problems for dogs, even after an infection is over. This disease can also be fatal if left untreated, as the parasitic worms can damage the heart, arteries, and lungs, or cause blockages. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to spot heartworm disease because many dogs do not exhibit noticeable symptoms during the earliest stages of infection. As the infection worsens, dogs may start to cough frequently, experience a decreased appetite, fatigue, or lose weight.
How Can You Protect Your Dog?
Keeping up with regular veterinary visits is an essential step of heartworm prevention. Your veterinarian will be able to test your dog annually for heartworm disease. Heartworm prevention medication can help protect your pets from the dangers of mosquito bites. Prevention is always the preferred goal, but if you are worried that your dog is currently suffering from heartworm disease, then it’s important to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. There is heartworm medication that can help treat this infection and give dogs a better chance of maintaining good health once the infection is over.
Keep your dog up-to-date on heartworm prevention with the friendly team here at The Urban Pet. Our Nashville, TN veterinary clinic offers a variety of services for wellness and preventive care, including heartworm medications, testing, and more. Call us today at (615) 356-8993 to schedule an appointment for your dog.